MTTR = 2 minutes and 35 seconds
Proving, zero downtime and the highest availability when scaling or maintaining our CumulusPower 4th Generation, truly modular UPS system.
In the below video Centiel demonstrates the speed that a module can be removed and replaced from a live system without switching the load into a critical state..
Availability is defined as readiness of a system to provide a corrective service. Steady-state availability is the most commonly used metric for availability quantification and is defined as the fraction of time a system is operational during its expected lifetime.
Availability equals Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) divided by MTTF plus Mean Time to Repair (MTTR).
MTTF is a mean time between two consecutive failures, whereas Mean Time to Repair is a mean time needed for the repair. In other words, MTTF is the average time during which the system is up after it has been repaired and before it fails again.
To make the comparison between architectures straight forward, steady-state availability is usually expressed with a number of nines. For example “Five nines” availability means that steady-state availability is 0.99999 or 99.999%.
For further information on Centiel’s industry-leading 99.9999999% availability and zero downtime download our availability whitepaper or read our Evaluating Availability of UPS Architecture article originally featured in Mission Critical Power Magazine.