Cheap at Half the Price!

Cheap at Half the Price!

Louis McGarry, Sales and Marketing Director, CENTIEL UK expresses his frustrations with the lack of value associated with UPS maintenance plans in his recent letter to Rob Shepherd Editor of Inside Networks Magazine  Something that really irritates me, is the lack of...
Prevention is better than cure

Prevention is better than cure

Mike Elms, managing director at Centiel UK, explains how businesses could save their power and their reputation by simply taking better care of their UPS. Years ago, before I joined Centiel, I remember a legacy UPS system that we used to look after under a maintenance...
When capacitors fail, they fail spectacularly

When capacitors fail, they fail spectacularly

Most AC capacitors have a shelf life of five-seven years, while DC capacitors usually need replacing between seven-ten years. Signs of damage to be aware of include leaks, cracks, splits or any drying out which could potentially cause an issue. If/when these signs...
When capacitors fail, they fail spectacularly

Maintenance: Prevention is Better than Cure

Maintenance: Prevention is Better than Cure If you owned a Mercedes would you take it to your local Halfords for a service? Probably not. You would more likely, use the nearest specialist garage, experienced and competent in fixing your particular vehicle. As well as...
A Tale of Two Data Centres

A Tale of Two Data Centres

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…” Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities. With apologies to Charles Dickens. Reducing Risk The data centre manager is responsible for maintaining their, or...
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